


With zero background and confidence in dancing, Jewel took her first pole dancing class in 2014 and she couldn’t get it out of her mind ever since. In the safe space this studio holds, she found her passion in pole dancing and the freedom to explore movements. As a technical instructor at Trinity, her goal is to help students learn the right techniques, build up strong foundation, strength and body awareness to support their individual goals in pole dancing. Besides dancing, she enjoys karaoke, playing board games and setting up all different fun play dates & activities with friends. She can also be a total nerd and study a pole/dance moves for a month!

Cool Mom • Static Pole • Spin Pole • Floorwork • Low Flow


Move: Shoulder rolls, Running man, Single Leg Dive & Stopper splay

Archetype/Dance Style: Flowy, contemporary, dramatic sometimes!

Class to Take: All our floorwork series (basic, intermediate, advacned)

Class to teach: Floorwork series

Song to Dance to: “Unharnessed” by The Human Experience

Grip Aid: Dry Hands

Dance Wear: long pants & socks

Check out Jewel’s featured classes


Danielle - Instructor


Elizabeth - Instructor