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Embracing Your Abundance Workshop

Instructor: AdinaV

Join our Guest Instructor AdinaV in this new Workshop at Trinity! Let’s celebrate together the abundance our bodies gift us!

Sometimes we get caught up in societal or athletic aspirations, and we lose sight of the abundance we already have. This workshop will provide space to explore our abundance and to reorient our expectations towards celebration.

This workshop is particularly for all those who identify as plus size or inflexible. We will spend class in conversation and movement with time to embrace our abundance in dance.

Pre-requisites: Completed or in the process of completing Pole 101 or Boudoir 101.

Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.

Pass Required: Event Fee

February 3

Level 1 Climbing Clinic/Intensive WORKSHOP

February 3

Body Binds Workshop