Instructor: Guest Instructor - Roz The Diva
Pole dancing is really, REALLY hard when you’re in a large body. Period. Both students and instructors are invited to learn about defining plus size, the importance of instructor diversity, class structure and lots of SPOTTING techniques!
About the Guest Instructor: Roz The Diva has dedicated over a decade to helping nontraditional athletes kick ass in and outside of the gym. Whether public speaking, working with individual clients, or running her mouth on social media, she makes sure everyone with a pulse feels like an athlete (even you!). Her talents have been featured in Google, Fitbit Premium, The New York Times, Glamour and others. When she’s not sweaty at the gym, she’s usually making pancakes with Beyonce and Michelle Obama.
Pre-requisites: None!
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Pass Required: Event Fee