Featured Classes

Basic Spins Drop-In
Instructor: Shelby
Explore a new pole spin every week and elevate your pole skills in this class. Basic Spins focuses on technical pole spins, climbing technique, and strong foundations in pole dance. Learn static and spin pole techniques as you progress through our comprehensive 6-series curriculum.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Graduated Pole 101
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Inversions Shenanigans
Instructor: Dayna
Wanting to find more fluidity, confidence, and fun in linking your inversions? Each week, we will focus on an intermediate level combo to explore and incorporate into your dance. Additionally, if you’re considering building a routine and looking to refresh your inversion pass repertoire, this drop-in is the perfect place to play AND practice!
This class is currently open for basic level inverters to practice things they have already learned and to work on linking their inversions together, working at their own pace with instructor assistance.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Qualifies for Basic or Intermediate Inversions
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Intro to Basic Spins Drop-In
Instructor: Aly
Perfect for graduates of Pole 101 or anyone seeking solid fundamentals!
This class provides a seamless transition to Basic Spins. Master essential techniques including climbing practice, and build confidence. This class solidifies basic climbing techniques, introductory spin pole moves, and flowing transitions.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Graduated Pole 101
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership
Flow State: Basic Spinning Choreo Drop-In
Instructor: SuzieQ
This dynamic class is designed to teach short spin pole choreography combos that combine fluidity, strength, and accents. Three different levels of combos will be introduced including Basic Spins, Basic Spins+ and Intermediate Spins. Throughout the class, you'll be guided through a series of techniques, spins, and transitions that will gradually build your confidence and proficiency on the spin pole. We'll focus on proper body alignment, grip techniques, and momentum to enhance your control and stability.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Qualify for Basic Spins, bracket basic climb on spin pole
Pass Required: 60 Minute Drop-In or Trinity Membership
Intermediate Spins Drop-In
Instructor: Jewel
Designed for intermediate-level pole dancers, this class introduces new moves and spins to add to your pole practice. Class focuses on strength-based holds and includes more difficult techniques such as one-handed spins, stopper holds, and exploring new points of contact. Both static and spin pole movements are covered in this class.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: 2 strong one-handed spins on both sides, strong basic and side climb both sides, aerial pole crunch
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Boudoir Dance Drop-In
Instructor: Elizabeth
Boudoir dance celebrates unique movement through freedom of style rather than demanding precision. In this multi-level class you'll explore your freestyle with weekly themed archetype inspired exercises and assignments designed to expand your dance vocabulary and encourage you to sink deeper into your freestyle.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Graduated from Pole 101 or Boudoir 101
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Heels of Power: Techniques Beyond the Basics Drop-In
Instructor: Shelby
Heels of Power: Techniques Beyond the Basics is designed for dancers seeking to elevate their Heels fundamentals and skills. Discover the artistry of edgework maneuvers, kips, drops, and dynamic spinning pole floats. Unleash your inner strength, grace, and confidence while perfecting your technical moves in this thrilling class!
Notes: 8" heels and above and sturdy knee pads are required for this Drop-in
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Has taken Intermediate Heels or equivalent Heels experience
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Floorwork Fun: Weekly Choreo Drop-In
Instructor: Kendal
Explore your dancing your floorwork in new ways!
Classes will focus on foundational floorwork and floor/pole combinations including forward rolls, backward rolls, shoulder stands, and low flow movements. Each week we’ll explore new choreo combos to build upon your foundational floorwork movements, and challenge your style with unique prompts at the end of class.
Kneepads are highly suggested. Socks recommended, 7" to 8" heels optional (there may be weeks with more heel-focused floorwork choreo, but all choreo can be done without heels).
Requirements: Graduated from Pole 101 or Boudoir 101, 3+ Basic Spins classes recommended
Pass Required: 6 Week Series
Boudoir Dance Drop-In
Instructor: Missy
Boudoir dance celebrates unique movement through freedom of style rather than demanding precision. In this multi-level class you'll explore your freestyle with weekly themed archetype inspired exercises and assignments designed to expand your dance vocabulary and encourage you to sink deeper into your freestyle.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Graduated from Pole 101 or Boudoir 101
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership
Intro to Intermediate Spins Drop-In
Instructor: Kelley
This class is tailored for Basic Spins graduates seeking a seamless transition to the intermediate level!
This Drop-in focuses on climbing conditioning, an introduction to one-handed spins, more challenging hold techniques, and advanced pole transitions. Perfect your skills and master the art of graceful progression to ensure a confident step into the world of intermediate pole dance
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: 2 strong one-handed spins on both sides, strong basic and side climb both sides, aerial pole crunch
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Basic Spins Drop-In
Instructor: Peiwen
Explore a new pole spin every week and elevate your pole skills in this class. Basic Spins focuses on technical pole spins, climbing technique, and strong foundations in pole dance. Learn static and spin pole techniques as you progress through our comprehensive 6-series curriculum.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Graduated Pole 101
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Intermediate Inversions Drop-In
Instructor: Allison
We take a dual approach to inversions, helping people in all bodies to get upside down by descending or lifting into their inversions. We will work on flexibility, handstands, and pole inversions meeting you at your level.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Instructor Approval
Perform all moves in Combos 1 AND 2 on BOTH sides
B1 Combo:
Pivot Turn Entry > Basic Invert
Torso Change > Opposite Crucifix
Spiral Down Dismount
B2 Combo:
Descent into Invert
Outside Leg Hang (Gemini)
Inside Leg Hang (Scorpio)
Outside Leg Hang (Gemini)
Flatline Maneuver > Splay Hip Hold (Stopper)
Dismount - Student Picks Favorite to Finish the Combo
Perform Aerial Invert – Climb and Flip
Perform Single Leg Dive
Master the Terminology! Know the names of the moves
Demonstrate ability to use ‘pocket’
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Slip into Flow Drop-In
Instructor: Danielle
For students who want to slink and slide across the floor. Each session includes new choreography with progressions that guide you through fluid motion on the floor and around the pole base. You'll have the chance to learn or perfect moves like the forward/backward roll and shoulder stands. Leggings/legwarmers and kneepads are recommended. While we'll teach the choreography in socks, you're welcome to dance in heels (7-8" recommended).
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Graduated Pole 101 or Boudoir 101, 6+ classes of basic spins recommended
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Basic Inversions Drop-In
Instructor: Allison
Take things upside down in your pole dance! Prepare for a whole new perspective on the pole. You will build upper body and core strength as you continue to improve your dancing skills and fluidity. Class is open to both basic and intermediate-level inverters.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Instructor Approval—Strong basic climb and horizontal jasmine. Side climb and aerial pole crunch (body dependent)
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Boudoir Spins & Climbs Drop-In
Instructor: Jill
This class will focus on building your spin combos, climbs and transitions to layer into your freestyle dance. Perfect for beginner, basic, and intermediate dancers who would like to incorporate more pole work into your freestyle, or just want to explore new pathways and combos within familiar spins and holds, meeting you at your level.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Graduated Pole 101, working on basic and side climb
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership
Basic Spins Drop-In
Instructor: Jewel
Explore a new pole spin every week and elevate your pole skills in this class. Basic Spins focuses on technical pole spins, climbing technique, and strong foundations in pole dance. Learn static and spin pole techniques as you progress through our comprehensive 6-series curriculum.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Graduated Pole 101
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Inversions-Mixed Level Drop-In
Instructor: Dayna
Take things upside down in your pole dance! Prepare for a whole new perspective on the pole. You will build upper body and core strength as you continue to improve your dancing skills and fluidity. Class is open to both basic and intermediate-level inverters.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Instructor Approval—Strong basic climb and horizontal jasmine. Side climb and aerial pole crunch (body dependent)
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership
Pure Boudoir Drop-In
Instructor: Missy
Boudoir Dance celebrates unique movement through freedom of style rather than demanding precision. Explore boudoir dance in its purest form in this drop-in class. Pure Boudoir is about getting lost in your freestyle dance to music that drives and inspires you to move and let go. There are no weekly themes–just bring music that makes you want to dance! Classes end with solo dances.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Graduated Pole 101 or Boudoir 101
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership
Spinning Pole Basic Level Drop-In
Instructor: Aly
Join us for this limited Drop-In of the Basic Spin Pole six week series, completely devoted to the fundamentals of the spin pole. All pole work will be on spin mode! Along with learning new spins and climbs each week, you will work toward mastering the fundamentals of momentum, climbing variations, and much more!
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Completed at least 10-12 Basic Spins classes. Must be able to Basic Pole Climb and Side Climb.
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Inversions-Basic/101 Drop-In
Instructor: Kelley
Take things upside down in your pole dance! Prepare for a whole new perspective on the pole. You will build upper body and core strength as you continue to improve your dancing skills and fluidity. Class is open to both basic and intermediate-level inverters.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Instructor Approval—Strong basic climb and horizontal jasmine. Side climb and aerial pole crunch (body dependent)
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership
Basic Spins Drop-In
Instructor: Shelby
Explore a new pole spin every week and elevate your pole skills in this class. Basic Spins focuses on technical pole spins, climbing technique, and strong foundations in pole dance. Learn static and spin pole techniques as you progress through our comprehensive 6-series curriculum.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Graduated Pole 101
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership

Inversions Shenanigans
Instructor: Dayna
Wanting to find more fluidity, confidence, and fun in linking your inversions? Each week, we will focus on an intermediate level combo to explore and incorporate into your dance. Additionally, if you’re considering building a routine and looking to refresh your inversion pass repertoire, this drop-in is the perfect place to play AND practice!
This class is currently open for basic level inverters to practice things they have already learned and to work on linking their inversions together, working at their own pace with instructor assistance.
Doors will lock at the start of class. Please plan accordingly and arrive at least 10 minutes before class.
Requirements: Qualifies for Basic or Intermediate Inversions
Pass Required: Standard Drop-In or Trinity Membership